You Must Be Empty to Be Filled April 17, 2016 Sherm Nichols Matthew, Acts, Philippians You Must Mourn to Be Comforted April 10, 2016 Sherm Nichols Matthew Broken to Be Whole April 3, 2016 Sherm Nichols Matthew Since Christ is Raised March 27, 2016 Sherm Nichols 1 Corinthians If You’ve Been Forgiven March 13, 2016 Sherm Nichols Matthew Something Has to Give March 6, 2016 Sherm Nichols Investing with a Guaranteed Return February 28, 2016 The Sermon on the Amount February 21, 2016 Sherm Nichols Where the Offering Begins February 14, 2016 Sherm Nichols Our Best Foot Forward Every Time February 7, 2016 Sherm Nichols