The Christian life is so much more than simply becoming a Christian and then coasting. We have to engage with God’s Word and with each other so that we can grow and mature as followers of Jesus. Disciple Hour is a time for just that.

Each Sunday at 9:00 AM we gather in smaller groups to study topics that will directly impact our day-to-day lives. Sometimes we study the Bible directly and other times we read books or use other materials to guide our growth. We hope that you will join us in a class that interests you.

Classes are also available for all children from birth – high school, so it’s a great time for the family to come and grow together.

View the current list of classes and get signed up by visiting Our classes run on a quarterly schedule and begin each January, April, July, and October. Don’t worry if you’re joining in the middle of the quarter.

For more information, call the church office at (815) 399-6767 or email us at